残障设施 & 不歧视政策

博彩平台推荐没有种族歧视, color, 性取向, 宗教, 性, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 年龄, 或联邦定义的残疾/州定义的残疾(“残疾”). 这包括但不限于招生和录取学生, 教育项目, 服务, 活动, 金融援助, 还有奖学金项目. 大学遵守所有联邦和州的非歧视要求.


美国残疾人协会首次入学申请表格 -仅限首次申请

学期续期表 (所有地点)-每学期由任何申请ADA住宿的学生完成. 更新表格必须在每学期开始前两周提交,以确保ADA在每学期开始时的住宿.

另类教科书申请表格 -符合更换教科书条件的学生应在每学期开学前一个月提出申请.

医疗释放表格 -学生应使用医疗释放表向其医疗保健提供者索取文件. 医疗出院表应送到学习中心 & 直接从医疗保健提供者的办公室进行教学. (必须使用下面列出的不同形式的情感支持动物)


欧空局医疗放行表 -学生在申请欧空局医疗许可时应使用欧空局医疗许可表. ESA医疗表格应直接从医疗保健提供者的办公室发送到CMU残疾服务中心.


ESA协议表格 -在您与ESA一起入住之前,您将与一名居住生活工作人员一起填写此表格




  • 传真:660-248-6898 - CMU残疾服务中心
  • 电子邮件: CMUDisabilityServices@1e1v.com
  • 邮件:CMU残疾服务,411中央卫理公会广场,费耶特,MO 65248


Students with disabilities are protected from discrimination to ensure they have equal access to all aspects of college life by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 和 by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.


康复法案第504条规定, “在美国,任何符合其他条件的残疾人都不得, 仅仅因为他或她的残疾, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何项目或活动中受到歧视……”

《十大博彩平台》第二章规定, "A public entity shall make reasonable modifications in policies or procedures when the modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability, 除非公共实体能够证明作出修改将从根本上改变服务的性质, 程序, 或活动."


康复法案第504条规定,"接受者 . . . 应采取必要的措施,以确保没有残疾学生被剥夺的利益, 被排除在, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under the education 程序 或活动 operated by the recipient because of the absence of educational 辅助艾滋病 for students with impaired sensory, 手册, 或者说话技巧."

第二章规定, "A public entity shall furnish appropriate 辅助艾滋病 和 服务 where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in, 并享受和利益, 一个服务, 程序, 或由公共实体进行的活动. "


博彩平台推荐学习与教学中心致力于确保所有课程的不歧视和平等机会, 服务, 以及为合格的残疾学生举办的活动. 这里描述的程序旨在指导和协助教师, 工作人员, 和学生遵守这一政策, 并决定为声称的残疾提供什么合理的便利. 所有有关残疾的材料和信息将受大学正常隐私政策的约束.


  1. It is the responsibility of any student who wishes to claim a disability 和 seek an accommodation to file official documentation confirming the disability 和 a completed 美国残疾人协会首次入学申请表格 在寻求任何基于残疾的住宿之前,与学习和教学中心联系.
    1. 美国残疾人协会首次入学申请表格 必须完成, 学生签名, 并送交或传真至教与学中心
    2. 残疾的正式文件必须直接从原办事处寄出.g. 高中, 测试中心, 认证专业中心, 或医生)直接到学习和教学中心. 所有这些官方文件必须是为一个 评估日期不超过大学收到之前的十八(18)个月. All official documentation which the student wishes to have the University consider in providing a reasonable accommodation for the disability must be included (e.g. 个人教育计划(IEP)及相关资料, 504年计划, 专业的诊断, 和建议). Professional diagnosis must include a diagnosis of the student's current disability; the date of the diagnosis; how the diagnosis was reach; the credentials of the professional making the diagnosis; how the student's disability affects a major life activity; 和 how the disability affects the student's academic performance. 的 documentation should provide enough information for the student 和 the University to consider what may be an appropriate academic adjustment. 每个学生的住宿将根据具体情况进行考虑. 学校不负责进行或支付新的评估,以证明残疾或学术调整的需要.
  2. 的 Center for Learning 和 教学 will work with the student to develop a reasonable accommodation for the disability only after adequate documentation 和 a completed the 美国残疾人协会首次入学申请表格 已收到. 在紧急需要下, 在等待足够的文件期间,临时住宿可以由学习和教学中心主任批准. Any information received by the Center for Learning 和 教学 will be held in confidence 和 not released directly or indirectly without the written consent of the student except for the purpose of providing 服务.
  3. 在每个新学期开始的时候, 学生将被要求在学习和教学中心重新注册,并要求他或她的住宿信. 学期续期表 (学期申请表)必须填写、签名并交回中心 两个星期 在那学期的住宿将被批准之前.
    1. Students attending the main campus in Fayette are required to make an appointment with the 学习中心主任 和 教学 to discuss any changes in their accommodation(s) 和 to pick up their Letter of Accommodation. Failure to re-register could result in the student not receiving his or her accommodation(s) until a re-register form is completed 和 received by the Center for Learning 和 教学. 学生在收到重新注册表格后,必须允许中心有时间完成流程并出具可能的住宿信.
    2. 一旦学生(费耶特校区的学生)收到他或她的住宿信, he or she is responsible to meet 和/or communicate with his or her instructor to discuss his or her Letter of Accommodation 和 to identify how any accommodation(s) will be implemented.
    3. Online or Extended Studies students must complete an online re-register form 和 contact the 工作人员 of the Center for Learning 和 教学 to request that his or her Letter of Accommodation be sent to the instructor. 学生必须确保老师收到了住宿通知书.
  4. 除了为任何确认的残疾提供合理的便利之外, 本中心鼓励学生充分利用各种可供所有学生使用的学习资源. 这些包括与他们的导师和指导老师的定期对话, 在部门导师有空的时候与他们一起工作, 学习和教学中心的协助和支持, 校园计算, 学生发展办公室的服务, 以及咨询服务.
  5. 学生应该明白,所有十大博彩平台残疾的合理安排的请求都必须提前提出. 教师 和 工作人员 will not be asked to adjust grades or to provide alternative evaluation measures for work that students have already completed prior to the request for reasonable accommodation based on disabilities being made.


Central Methodist University believes that its mission can best be met by assisting students with disabilities in obtaining 辅助艾滋病 of a long-term or permanent nature from governmental units (such as state vocational rehabilitation 年龄ncies) or from private charitable organizations (such as the March of Dimes, 等.). Students with disabilities are expected to exercise initiative in identifying 和 obtaining 辅助艾滋病 和 assistance through every reasonable channel available to them. 大学在这方面的主要作用应该是为学生积极的自我宣传提供信息/提供支持. 学习与教学中心主任将在此过程中发挥资源作用. 如果外部机构不能提供学生所需的辅助帮助, the University has a responsibility to determine the aid necessary to ensure that the student is not denied the right to participate in a 程序, 好处, class, 或者是一项服务,因为缺乏辅助援助,使参与成为可能. It is the responsibility of the University to provide the auxiliary aid or find a reasonable alternative that will allow the student full participation, 除非有关要求被确定为不合理或会对大学造成不必要的困难.

我们将尽一切努力确保学生在开始上课时得到必要的帮助. 应至少提前四周通知以确保此结果. 无论如何, 大学必须有足够的时间来评估申请, 确定要提供的必要援助, 并确定获取信息的来源. 逾期申请不能保证,但将根据具体情况进行评估, 和, 必要时, 在合理情况下尽快提供.

It is the student's responsibility to keep 的 Center for Learning 和 教学 informed about the need for 辅助艾滋病 such as timely semester-to-semester schedules for the use of an interpreter, 订购大型印刷书籍和资料, 或者其他特殊需求. 如果学生没有通知中心, 不能期望本中心提供确定需要的辅助援助.


适当的学术住宿必须根据学生的个人残疾需要来确定. 学术住宿包括修改学术要求, 辅助艾滋病, 和服务(例如, 延长测试时间, 在安静的地方测试或提供笔记员, 录音设备, 以及手语翻译). 大学不需要提供学术住宿的私人随从, 个别订明装置, 读者个人使用或学习, 或其他个人性质的设备或服务, 比如辅导和打字.


  1. Students who are registered with the Center for Learning 和 教学 as having documented disabilities 和 who believe they have been discriminated against on the basis of their disability may file a grievance with the 学习中心主任 和 教学.
  2. 如果投诉是针对学习和教学中心的, the student may appeal any decisions regarding reasonable accommodations provided by the Center for Learning 和 教学 和 faculty to the Vice President 和 Dean of the University.